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Youth Exchange "Participation of Youth"

Youth Exchange "Participation of Youth" organized with our partner SportJugendClub Wildwuchs, situated in Berlin, Germany.

Dates: 01.-07.08.23 in Kryoneri Korinthias, Greece & 21.-27.10.23 in Berlin, Germany.

Thematicallly: memory/remembrance, prejudices, history, discrimination, political/civic education, empowerment.

The focus of the youth exchange is a joint memory project, which, apart from our common reassessment and search for traces of the Greek-German past during the Nazi era, also aims at breaking down prejudices and creating friendly relations between our Greek and German participants. Different workshops will take place, on topics such as anti-discrimination, memory and remembrance work, political/civic education, democracy and empowerment.

Ages: 16-23 years old

Participation fee for both parts: 100€

The Youth Exchange is funded by the Greek-German Youth Office (EGIN/DGJW).