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"Footprints in Silence" volunteering project

"Footprints in Silence" is an artistic search for traces of the common German-Greek past. A project of coming together, questioning each other and oneself, finding common ground beyond mostly hardened and confrontational communication. During this project, young people visited German and Greek memorial sites and places of remembrance in Ravensbrück and Berlin (Germany) as well as Kryoneri Korinthias and Kalavryta (Greece). Throughout the journey, the youngsters reflected on the witnesses' memoir of the Nazi persecution and created original art, such as mosaic images, thus giving a new voice to the places and victimes of this period. Funded by the EVZ Foundation, the “EUROPEANS FOR PEACE” program and the special program for German-Greek youth exchange from the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Germany).

Youtube video: https://youtu.be/ISvHzUIfZiU