On September 18, 2010, within days of global monitoring of water quality (World Water Monitoring Day - www.wwmd.org),members of the hospitality they were doing in the water samples:
- River Ellison Krioneri,
- Lake Stymfalias.
The samples were the following data:
- Temperature
- PH,
- Turbidity,
- Level of dissolved oxygen (Dissolved Oxygen DO).
The results showed 2 areas and a moderate turbidity and pHnear 7. The term dissolved oxygen was normal.
The amount of the percentage of dissolved oxygen is importantfor the health of aquatic ecosystems. All aquatic animals needoxygen to survive. Of course, water with high DO is more healthyk and can accommodate a variety of aquatic organisms.
These measurements are very easy and match groups of children (11 and older) and adolescents.
Hopefully 2011 will join groups from other areas of Corinth.
More information: info@filox.org