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Dissemination event of the JOIN project (08.-11.02.24 in Kryoneri)

Between the 8-11th of February 2024 the final dissemination event of the JOIN project took place in Kryoneri.
Filoxenia, together with its partners of the JOIN project evaluated their two years project's journey, which was about the topic "Transnational Network of Young Women for an Ecological, Just and Social Transition" All four countries presented their achievements of the last years, concerning ideas and strategies in order to create sustainable projects focussing on the environment and on gender equality and participation in their local communities.
We are happy to have successfully implemented the project with all of you

Filoxenia's Project proposals have been officially presented during this event:

1: Carpooling: This project offers a car service exclusively for women, addressing the need for safe and reliable transportation. A schedule is made every Sunday and posted both physically at a central location such as a café and online at Women can register by providing name, date, time, seat availability and contact number. By signing up, the women will be able to connect with each other and co-ordinate their trip to the destination.

2: Meteorological station: In Kryoneri, a village mainly inhabited by farmers whose economies depend on the weather, the establishment of a meteorological station is a crucial step towards strengthening the community's economic stability. The proposed station will provide reliable weather forecasts, enabling farmers to proactively prepare for upcoming adverse weather events, thereby safeguarding their agricultural crops. With climate change causing increasingly unpredictable weather patterns, investing in a meteorological station would be a wise decision for the future. Additionally, it could help prevent depopulation by making rural areas more appealing.

Making a reliable and complete reference point for residents, providing a platform where they can find updated and relevant information about village life, facilitating access to information and news, is the direction to follow in order to reach as many people as possible, both, inside and outside the Kryoneri community. This approach, promotes transparency and participation, while also strengthening the sense of cohesion and belonging within the community itself.


This project is funded by the EU #Erasmus+