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Remembrance trails no.3 - report by volunteers from Spain, Austria, Finland, Italy and Turkey (08.05-07.06.2024)

“Remembrance Trails”, is a team volunteering project taking place in Kryoneri Korinthias (Greece), consisting of four volunteering team projects, involving 5 European programme countries (Greece, Italy, Austria, Finland, Spain) and 1 of the third countries associated to the programme Turkey. The first team volunteering project took place during the period 2.5.-1.6.2023, the second round during the period 17.09.-16.10.2023. Our main focus in this project is on memory, rural and sustainable development in terms of historic and environmental protection. Memory and environment as our cultural heritage! 

"This project is Founded by the European Union."


Article written by Lisset and Carmen (Spain)

Kryoneri is a small village away from the city. We have been living there a whole month in a beautiful hostel with people from 5 different countries. At the beginning everything was strange, new people, a new place, a new culture and above all a new way to communicate with each other. We came here with an open mind but it has exceeded our expectations.One month seemed like a long time, but it has definitely become excessively short. The time we have shared with people who at first were strangers and now we can consider friends, a small multicultural family that has lived and experienced a thousand moments. 

We have been able to try typical dishes thanks to Dimitra, who is the best cook ever. We were eager to learn a little more about Greece, its culture and customs. 

To sum up one month is not enough but is enough if you know how to spend your time and with whom.

Article written by Lou and Florina (Austria)

One month in Kryoneri, on the countryside of Greece taught all of us a lot. Working on the footpath we learned that all it takes is good music to make even the hardest workdays durable. That an old deck of cards can make every evening complete. That the only thing worth fighting over is Feta and Suvlaki tastes best when shared. In the Taverna we learned that greek dances are a lot harder than they look like. And after learning about greek culture we came to the conclusion that the best things the greeks invented are Freddo Cappucino and Siesta. On our trip to Nafplio we realized also that even a 1000 steps are easy when with the right company.Although our greek teacher was very patient to teach us greek, we already decided that the only word we will use, no matter the situation. Kali Orexi.


Article written by Emmaliisa and William (Finland)


We are Emmaliisa and William, the volunteers from Finland!

We have participated in the volunteering project “Remembrance Trails” in Kryoneri from 8.5-7.6 2024.

We stayed at the Elisson Hostel and worked on the hiking trails around the village. Our main tasks were clearing the historical paths.

Our favourite thing about the project was the multicultural group, with people from all over Europe. We lived, worked and spent our free time together and we became friends for life.

In our free time we played cards, watched Mamma Mia and traveled around Greece.

This has been a very meaningful and educational experience for us, we are happy that Filoxenia made this possible for us.

Article written by Greta and Giacomo (Italy)

This time spent in Kryoneri has been many things. It has been a training, it has been work, it has been fun, it has been difficulty, it has been pleasure, it has been strong emotions, it has been personal growth, it has been a lot of new knowledge and new doors that have opened, it has been group and individualism, has been here and now, it has been a month that we will carry within us for the rest of our lives, it has been exchange, it has been opening up, it has been leaving behind so many things so as to free your head from thoughts and fill it with peace and gratitude,was healing.

This project is one of the most beautiful experiences I have ever had. It helped me overcome my limits and opened up a new, unique and special world to me. I will carry in my heart the people I met and their stories, the place where I lived, all the activities I did, the bonds I made, the places I visited and the teachings I learned. Thank you all for this wonderful experience.

Article written by Su (Turkey)

I come from Turkey as a volunteer. I'm 24 years old. I work as a Psychological Counselor in Turkey. I had some concerns when I came here because I was not used to working in nature. But it didn't turn out the way I thought it would. The project coordinators were very understanding. My friends were very helpful. I had a great month. Thank you to everyone who contributed