Nowadays, people, particularly young people receive a lot of information that they have to learn to manage. Our goal is to help young people to try and transfer this knowledge, in the frame of the non-formal education and make it useful for their professional life.
Training seminar for volunteers We organize training seminars in the frame of the EVS program:
During the period September 2000 until June 2003, we organised 12 seminars with intercultural contents.
Greek language lessons to foreigners From 1997, we have offered Greek language lessons for foreigners, as well knowledge of Greek culture. Computer lessons At the Youth Information Center of Kryoneri, we offer computer seminars, internet, and video editing. |
European vocational training program LEONARDO Da VINCI This program gives young people aged 18 to 30 the opportunity to do a practical course in an enterprise abroad for a duration of 3 to 12 months.
School activities
Our organisation cooperates closely with the schools of the region and together they create and implement both environmental and cultural educational programs. The goal of these programs is the exploitation of the infrastructures that were developed the last years in our region.
These infrastructures are Youth Centres, open-air amphitheaters, the Environmental Information Centre of Stymfalia, and environmental footpaths; which can aid the awareness of the children and youth of our region.