4-11.8.2013 in Kokkola, Finland
“Jam All” youth exchange held in Kokkola (Finland) brought together 50 youngsters between 15-20 years old from five countries: Finland, Italy, Greece, Ireland and Spain. Young people coming from different cultures and backgrounds but with a common interest, connected through the global language of music.
“Jam All” gave a chance to young people to feel the connection with other youngsters, learned from each other and from different cultures, from different musical styles and gave opportunity to build a band in just one week. During the exchange the participants practiced together with other musicians in mixed groups, with different musical backgrounds, music such as: Rock-Blues-Rap-Pop etc...
The participants of the “Jam All” rehearsed a multicultural happening, event to local youngsters. This event was held on the last day of the exchange together with bands and local musicians in front of the local youngsters. The performance gave a fresh multicultural spirit to the other performances held in Kokkola.
During this time, young people worked on teamwork, persistence, on planning and practicing together.
Young Greek participants hopes that one day they will live again this unforgettable experience.